Introduction to Tantric Mating

los angeles tantra

Introduction to Tantric Mating

When my I met my Perfect Beloved it looked and felt like magic. We had each been attending a tantra workshop that taught massage techniques and after a few sessions, he asked me to partner with him. What followed, we like to say, was “love at first touch.” After a couple of months dating we decided to be exclusive, then after two years we got married. We are both always saying, “I didn’t know it could be this good.”

It seemed like magic when we met because that is what we’ve been led to believe by movies, fairy tales, Disney princesses and superheroes. It looked and felt like magic because when we met, we both experienced something far beyond what we’d ever felt before. Our coming together even seemed like something of the Divine. And yet, it wasn’t magic because we created it, by preparing ourselves by the inner and outer work we’d each been doing in a dedicated manner for a very long time.

We’d both been on personal and spiritual growth paths for decades. Both of us had received years of therapy and coaching to heal our childhood traumas. Greg had been helped by psychedelics used in a healing capacity. I’d been studying tantra both individually and in groups most of my adult life. For both of us, our personal and spiritual growth was the most important thing in our lives, and in this way our frequencies matched perfectly.

Osho, the great Tantra Master, once said, “Tantra is the science of transforming ordinary lovers into soulmates. And that is the grandeur of Tantra. It can transform the whole earth; it can transform each couple into soulmates.” I love this quote because it lets us know there is something we can do, that love is not some accident or luck, but that by learning and practicing tantric principles any serious student of love can create a soulmate relationship like the one Greg and I have.

When you are both on dedicated personal and spiritual growth paths, when you are safe to talk about everything, when the sex is jaw-droppingly exquisite every single time, when you just plain love hanging out together as friends – isn’t that what we’re all looking for? In this book and the others in the series, I’ll show you how to attract and relish this caliber of a relationship.

There are two parts to Tantric Mating: the part you do on yourself before you meet your partner and continue after you find them, and the work you do as a couple. Much of what you can do alone is taught in my book, Tantric Dating: Bringing Love and Awareness to the Dating Process, which is about turning yourself into a more loving person. I had to do a lot of work on myself to attract love, because as the half-loving person I found myself to be, I could only attract half-loving partners. I wanted more than that and was willing to work for it.

Tantric Mating: Using Tantric Secrets to Create a Relationship Full of Sex, Love and Romance continues the teaching about how to become half of a perfect partnership whether you’re single or partnered. Personal and spiritual growth are ongoing, and people who are fully alive are engaged in the process until their last breath. I don’t believe we ever come to the endpoint of becoming as fully loving as we can – but if that completion is possible, it’s a goal worth pursuing.

Then there’s the part you do together. When Greg and I fell in love, we had to decide what kind of relationship we wanted to create as a couple. Both of us had been in relationships in the past that were painful, and we didn’t want to repeat those mistakes. We also had to confront misinformation from the mainstream culture. We found that our intimacy and sex life were enhanced by our best friend status, not diminished.

In Tantric Dating, the secrets of why you haven’t found love and how to find it are explained. Tantric Relating is about how you can communicate both verbally and non- to keep the love fires burning. In this book, Tantric Mating, you’ll learn how to be in partnership and create your perfect soulmate relationship. You’ll find out how soulmates are created and that they do not come to us by magic, how conventional advice has steered us wrong, what kind of work to do on yourself, that tantric sex really is as good as they say, and how to live in a perpetual honeymoon.

And so, I want to teach you my method of Tantric Mating that created the soulmate relationship I had dreamed of since childhood, after I found my Perfect Beloved using my Tantric Dating method. This book can change your life, your love, and your partner, if they are willing. You must be available to hear truth that is outside the conventional world of advice, for that is not where truth resides. It’s up to you to create the soulmate relationship of your dreams. It is within your reach, if only you will reach far enough. When you become the loving person you truly are, Love is Ever-Present.

© 2022 Catherine Auman

This is an excerpt from Catherine Auman’s book, Tantric Mating: Using Tantric Secrets to Create a Relationship Full of Sex, Love and Romance. Tantric Mating is a companion to her previous book Tantric Dating: Bringing Love and Awareness to the Dating Process named by BookAuthority as one of the Best Dating Books of All Time.

Work with Catherine

Books by Catherine Auman

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