Catherine Auman, LMFT

Sexual mindfulness may be defined as an embodied state of consciousness similar to mindfulness meditation (Thouin-Savard, 2019), that is, a strategy to set aside mental activity and instead feel, act, and interact with one’s sexuality from an embodied state of attention. Sexual mindfulness has been...

When we seek to carry the vision of Daniel’s (2021) “extending stream” forward in the field of transpersonal psychology, it is most important that we honor numerous voices as we have been doing in this class. It is also important that we continue to challenge...

How can a deeper understanding of diversity and/or ecology expand the scope of Transpersonal Psychology as a field?Transpersonal Psychology was originally the study of the so-called Perennial Philosophy, the supposed one truth that underlies all spiritualities. Of course what was meant by “all spiritualities” was those founded and...

In thinking about how this module’s material has changed or informed my overall understanding of integral Transpersonal Psychology as a field, I would say that I am pleased to learn that TP has expanded so broadly in its incorporation of the somatic. In the days of Ken-Wilber-as-god,...

Jenny Wade (2000) states that transpersonal experiences have the potential for immense healing, life enhancement, personal transformation, and spiritual realizations. Stan Grof, who conducted thousands of studies on the transformational potentials of LSD, talks about the healing, transformative, and evolutionary potentials of nonordinary states of...