Transpersonal Psychology: Conclusions


Transpersonal Psychology: Conclusions

It takes awareness and discipline to divorce oneself from the prevalence of the mainstream’s acceptance of the ascending line of personal and spiritual growth as paramount, and the descending line as suspect. With the growth of postmodern and participatory thought and the contributions of transpersonal theorists such as Ferrer and Daniels, the hegemony of this androcentric perspective toward spirituality is challenged. When isolated and examined,  these different lines appear absurd, and new perspectives are welcome.

Transpersonal sexuality offers one such perspective not offered in either the ascending or descending lines – that of a path of human development as a sexual couple rather than as an individual, and of sex as potentially transformative and soteriological. Mainstream psychology has not defined sex beyond sexual performance and functioning and has yet to understand that even ordinary sexuality may lead toward transformation. The field is ripe for new contributions.

Daniels, M. (2021). Shadow, self, spirit: Essays in transpersonal psychology. Imprint Academic.

Ferrer, J. (2002). Revisioning transpersonal theory. A participatory vision of human spirituality. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

© 2023 Catherine Auman

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