The Sky’s the Limit


The Sky’s the Limit

A relationship is never going to be a finished commodity if you stay alive and growing. It’s true relating can get stale, and either of you could go to sleep. When we saw those types of relationships as kids or as singles, fear loomed in us that we might end up like that. I doubt anybody dreams of a relationship that’s going downhill. Make a commitment that you’re going to grow, and really go for it.

Whether or not your relationships stay vibrant will depend on your commitment to relate to each other as manifestations of the divine. It is contingent on agreeing to talk about everything, and being a big enough person to listen to ways you’ve been unkind or hurtful. It’s an essential component of enlightened relating to bring things up right away, when they happen, and to talk about them until they’re done. As you continue to grow, you’ll become increasingly sensitive to the state of the energy between you and someone else. You’ll find you’ll want to clear everything current and past because even the slightest being “out” feels unbearable.

Osho says we have until our last breath to continue to grow and evolve. That can be the same with your relationship, that your relationship will continue to evolve, becoming more loving, kinder, more generous, less reactive, and less judgmental. It can also get juicier, sexier, and more alive as we get older. That can be your reality if you choose it. You can, in the same way as you made a commitment to your own growth, make a commitment to the growth of your relationship.

In Tantric Dating, the secrets of why you haven’t found love and how to find it are explained. Tantric Mating teaches how to be in partnership and create your perfect soulmate relationship. This book, Tantric Relating has been about how you can communicate both verbally and non- to keep the love fires burning.

If you’re both dedicated to personal and spiritual growth paths, you’ll someday arrive at the place where you’ve created the relationship you always dreamed of. This is possible for you. I wholeheartedly want to encourage you to keep working on your personal and spiritual growth because perfect love is possible for you – the sky’s the limit.

© 2022 Catherine Auman

This is an excerpt from Catherine Auman’s book, Tantric Relating: Relationship Advice to Find and Keep Sex, Love and Romance. This book is the third title in the Tantric Mastery Series. Check it out!

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