Soulmate Creation and the Centers

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Soulmate Creation and the Centers

Osho said that soulmate creation has to do with the centers being aligned. First, we’ll take a look at what the centers are, and then in the next chapter, how to get them into alignment. Tantra uses the word “chakras,” but many people are uncomfortable with Sanskrit terms, so we’ll  use the word “centers” instead.

There are seven centers in the body, placed along the spine, starting at the tail bone. These centers are not actual physical entities, although they do seem to line up with the glands of the endocrine system. People of higher vision and wisdom have  seen them as spinning centers of energy. When they are whirling freely, that energy center can be experienced as free and unblocked. Everyone differs in the level of development in each center, and in their level of development from others.

  • We previously talked about how the root or base center is concerned with safety, the safety required for all trusting relationships and for tantric sex. The first center is about security, vitality, and whether or not someone feels good about being alive. A person who moves around a lot might not feel safe and secure, or someone who’s experienced trauma may have challenges establishing a sense of rootedness, connectedness, and commitment to life.


  • The second center is located around the genitals and is about sexuality and emotions. (Anybody notice that emotions and sex are often connected?) It is just about impossible to grow up in this culture and not have unresolved issues about sex. Most couples are unmatched in terms of how often they want sex, what kind, and differences in past experience.


  • The third center resides in the belly and is about power, personal and otherwise. One reason we’ve had trouble in our relationships is because of the power struggles going on. I was taught in graduate school that the power struggle stage lasts for the first 23 years of the relationship. I don’t know if that’s true or not as I’ve never been in a relationship that long, but I do know that it’s possible if each person has developed their own sense of personal power, this center will not be problematic. If you look out in the world, a lot of power struggles are going on all over the planet.


  • Some people think that the world as a whole is trying to wake up in the fourth center, the heart center. You can really notice the difference between people whose heart centers are at least beginning to open, those who are living from the heart, wanting to spread love, and people who haven’t gotten there yet. We’ve all got a long way to go to blossom fully into love.


  • The fifth center is in the throat and is about truth speaking. Most of us have large blocks in this center from trying not to speak our truth because it’s not going to be politically correct. Not speaking because the corporate world doesn’t want to hear what we have to say. Many of us have been outsiders, so we know that we need to keep quiet about our beliefs and opinions. Many relationship “experts” (not me) teach that there are things you’re supposed to say and things you’re not so people will be attracted to you. We’ve all grown up with that since high school.


  • The sixth center is in the middle of the forehead and is about true seeing, vision and philosophy. As it’s rare for relationships to be hampered by this and the next center, we won’t be spending much time on them.


  • The seventh center at the top of our head relates to our sense of spirituality and connection to the Divine.


Everyone has these centers, and the more we work on ourselves and the areas of our lives that these centers represent, the freer and more energetic we become. In this way we raise our frequency and become capable of creating the soulmate relationship of our dreams.

© 2022 Catherine Auman

This is an excerpt from Catherine Auman’s book, Tantric Mating: Using Tantric Secrets to Create a Relationship Full of Sex, Love and Romance. Tantric Mating is a companion to her previous book Tantric Dating: Bringing Love and Awareness to the Dating Process named by BookAuthority as one of the Best Dating Books of All Time.

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Books by Catherine Auman

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