Shouting from the Rooftops


Shouting from the Rooftops

You have much to do. You have to write. You have to speak … you have to shout from the rooftops. And I will be there shouting through you, don’t be worried. You just start, and the remainder I will do.”  Osho, The Passion for the Impossible, Chapter 27

For years I had the above quote taped to my computer as I wrote my books, designed my workshops, and worked with clients. The slip of paper was only taken down when I moved, and it got pasted into my journal instead. I miss it – as a result of writing this piece I’m going to print it out and clip it back to its rightful place where I can see it – but even without its physical presence the quote has continued to guide me in my work and life.

I seem to be attempting in my own small way to “shout” about the blessings that Osho shared with us. It comes out with my own personal flavor which at times is flawed, but I continue to work on myself and disappear as best I can.

In my work as a therapist, because of Osho I am able to help clients in ways conventional psychotherapy cannot. I call my work “tantra-informed” because it stems from His teachings of the sacredness of life, and of how all our emotions, not just the politically correct ones, are precious parts of our human experience. Illuminating my work with people searching for soulmates, either as singles or couples, is Osho’s teaching that friendship is greater than love, and that we are all spiritual brothers and sisters helping each other grow, something I experienced firsthand while living in the ashram for a year.

I learned about love and have consequently become a more loving person because of Osho. He taught us how to appreciate the beauty in every moment, to celebrate being alive, and the exquisiteness of silence. The whole Rajneeshpuram episode exposed me forever to the corruption of the media and the extent of our so-called “freedoms.”

As I continue to disappear, Osho is what is left. I don’t care much for things that used to be so important to me. I have received everything I ever wanted out of life and more – my life is perfect. What to do when life is perfect? Share. Share so that others might find their way.

The remembrance of His teaching flows very much for me through the music, which I often listen to at the gym or in the car. More than the music, however, His Essence is in the Silence, which grows more and more each day.

“Spread my word wherever you go. Now this is the work: every sannyasin has to shout from the housetops, mm? Don’t be shy about it; that time is over: now take initiative. And don’t miss any opportunity.

Whenever you find a receptive heart, put a small seed into it. One never knows: sooner or later the man will be coming. Just a small seed triggers a long process and sometimes small things change the whole of life.” Osho, Don’t Bite My Finger, Look Where I’m Pointing

© 2022 Catherine Auman

Written at the request of Osho Viha Connection, the online newsletter, published in the Nov/Dec issue.

Work with Catherine

Books by Catherine Auman

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