Psychedelic Sex

los angeles tantra

Psychedelic Sex

Tantric sex is as good as you’ve heard it is. It has little resemblance, however, to the conventional style of sex which consists of effort, tension, focus on the goal of orgasm, explosion and release, and when it’s over, both parties are spent.

If sex is not about the goal of orgasm, what do you have? You have the sensual pleasure of being in this exquisite space with your lover, awareness of their touch, breath, and movement, the spiritual connection between you, and the promise of growing intimacy. You have the realization that this present moment is all there is. The partner is my Beloved, my Perfect Love, my soulmate. Our being together is actually generating more love in the world, rather than the energy being discharged in the sex act. You have the opportunity to learn to sustain a state of pleasure and bliss for longer periods of time, instead of ending it quickly because your nervous system hasn’t yet learned to tolerate that much happiness.

Tantrikas (people  who practice tantra) have reported altered states while having sex for hours that are similar to those brought about by psychedelic drugs. There are reports of sex being mind- shattering, life changing, and reality altering. People say they have felt an all-encompassing sense that this sexual union comes from a Divine source, a perception of merging with their partner. Some people disclose that they’ve seeing gods and goddesses in the bedroom, or energy and light. Some have talked about time traveling or remembering past lives, a sense of Divine Union, or experiencing ecstasies more powerful than orgasm. Tantric sex and psychedelics have in common being anchored in the present moment, experiencing altered states, and the possibilities for bliss, transcendence, and healing.

When you make love without the goal of orgasm, every touch to the skin is different – it has no intention other than to enjoy the moment. You can relax into protracted pleasuring of each other. When you have conventional sex you will usually be finished at about twenty minutes or less. In tantric sex, if we want to cultivate “psychedelic” experiences without the use of psychedelic drugs, we have noticed the following timings:

  • After 45 mins to an hour the mind stops
  • After 2 hours, certain phenomena appear
  • After 3 hours, real heightening of psychedelic phenomena
  • After a certain amount of time the bodies start making love by themselves
  • 6-10 hours of lovemaking are possible, a whole weekend

Greg and I almost never try to have an orgasm. Instead, we hitch a ride on the orgasmic waves that carry us along blissfully for who-knows-how-long.

© 2022 Catherine Auman

This is an excerpt from Catherine Auman’s book, Tantric Mating: Using Tantric Secrets to Create a Relationship Full of Sex, Love and Romance. Tantric Mating is a companion to her previous book Tantric Dating: Bringing Love and Awareness to the Dating Process named by BookAuthority as one of the Best Dating Books of All Time.

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Books by Catherine Auman

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