Karmamudra | Catherine Auman



Karmamudra refers to the Tantric Buddhist practice of engaging in cultivated forms of sexual arousal and intercourse as part of spiritual practice. It has been called “the yoga of bliss,” “the path of skillful means,” and “the path of the great bliss of the lower gates” (Chenagtsang, 2018). As in Dzogchen, the couple practiced with altruistic intention in order to transform their sexuality for their mutual spiritual advancement. Sexual union is considered a profound kind of meditation, a sexual yoga practice. Karmamudra includes a strong focus on embodied feeling and joy.

Chenagtsang’s work is the only book available on the subject of karmamudra, and the only peer-reviewed research I could find was not relevant to this inquiry. The book is written for today’s reader, and the author has included modern observations such as:

“Traditionally karmamudra has been described from a very male-centric perspective. Historically, the karmamudra system was designed for man and many of its goals were men’s goals … my own belief is that if karmamudra is only designed for men or pitched at men’s needs, then karmamudra practice is not yet perfect. “(p. 61)

It is difficult to know what karmamudra was like in earlier times, but further research seems promising.

© 2024 Catherine Auman

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