Exercise #5 Raising the Bar


Exercise #5 Raising the Bar

You learned about the Gottman’s formula of five statements of praise and gratitude to one correction or request. What if you took this on as a daily discipline to praise, thank, or flirt with your partner five times a day?

There are an unlimited number of things to Praise about your partner. Here are a few to get you started – Circle the ones you want to use and add your own.

Their hot body – Financial independence
Their kind heart – Talents and skills, even little ones
Their competence – Good taste in music or movies
Intelligence – Good values
The way they contribute to you and the family – Responsibility

It’s not hard to Give Thanks to your partner when you recognize their divine nature. Here are a few items to expand on and share:

That you show up for our relationship – Thanks for taking care of your body
That you accept me, warts and all – Picking up after yourself
That you share in the household chores – Accepting my family
For lovemaking – Being an upstanding human being
For talking a walk with me – Being a giver instead of a taker

Figuring out how to Flirt is really fun. Get creative!

When you’re out grocery shopping, pat them on the butt
Tell them frequently how arousing you find them
Look in their eyes just a little bit longer and raise your eyebrows and smile
Buy a silly mug that says something like “World’s Greatest Lover”
Order surprise gifts of sexy thongs, especially is their body is unconventionally beautiful
Remind them of romantic moments from your shared past
Touch, touch, and more touch

© 2022 Catherine Auman

This is an excerpt from Catherine Auman’s book, Tantric Relating: Relationship Advice to Find and Keep Sex, Love and Romance. This book is the third title in the Tantric Mastery Series. Check it out!

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Books by Catherine Auman

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