Exercise #3: Making Agreements


Exercise #3: Making Agreements

Tantric relating is about making agreements with your partner that you both want to live in an environment of trust, truth, respect, and open communication about what’s going on for each of you. It sets completely new ground rules for any relationship.

What tantra offers is not the same as conventional wisdom to smile all the time and hope everything’s fine. A lot of people who are working on themselves think it’s about being positive no matter what and taking things to a higher level, creating what we call spiritual bypass where people aren’t living their truth. They aren’t sharing if they’re sad, jealous, or upset about what was just said because that wouldn’t be upbeat. Resentment builds, and then they are surprised when the relationship starts to tank.

It’s a big commitment to make an agreement to talk about everything. It will change your life. If you’re not ready at this time, that’s okay. Just watch what your results are as you continue on your growth path. You can move slowly toward greater disclosure if that works better for you. One hundred percent commitment, however, is the place where magic begins.

1. Are you ready to make an agreement to talk about everything?

2. When it happens?

3. Until it’s done, and the energy is flowing freely again?

4. Are you willing to clear the past? Both your own and the relationship’s?

© 2022 Catherine Auman

This is an excerpt from Catherine Auman’s book, Tantric Relating: Relationship Advice to Find and Keep Sex, Love and Romance. This book is the third title in the Tantric Mastery Series. Check it out!

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