Soulmates’ Centers are Aligned

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Soulmates’ Centers are Aligned

In soulmate relationships the centers are aligned, meaning, the development of each center in one person is mirrored back by the partner’s. Ideally, we would have an individual with perfect flowering in every center meeting another perfect person, but of course that never happens. Each of us are more advanced in one center than another, and we all have room to grow. What we can do is to work individually on evolving our own centers, and when in a relationship, work together to strengthen and bring ourselves into alignment. The more areas we match up, the more the likelihood the relationship has soulmate potential.

The problems we see in relationships can be described as misalignments in these centers. An example is that two people meet and one person has a more developed heart center and wants a heart connection, while the other person’s sex center is developed but not their heart. Another example is that many couples get stuck with underdeveloped power centers so are madly trying to be one-up all the time, and find they are not able to speak truth to one another.

Center imbalances can show up in other ways. For example, a lot of so-called spiritual people are in what we call spiritual bypass. Their upper centers are open: they are very spiritual, praying and meditating, fasting, worrying about maintaining a pure vegan diet and so forth, but they don’t have a job or are unkind to others. They need to work on maturing their lower centers so that they have a good solid foundation to support a relationship.

The first thing to do is a to assess where you are with your center development. The second is to work on boosting them, because the more advanced the centers, the happier you will be, and well on your way to soulmate creation. Here are some suggestions:

  • First Center (Safety): Wake up your body and your aliveness, practice Osho Kundalini Meditation, beautify your home, ask yourself frequently, “Am I in my body? Am I safe?”, take steps to establish ongoing safety for yourself and others, shake your booty and stamp your feet.
  • Second Center (Sex and Emotions): Learn sexual skills basic through advanced, deprogram yourself from mainstream sexual conditioning, clear past trauma with a therapist, overcome cultural shaming, live life sex-positively.
  • Third Center (Power): Take 100% responsibility for your results and your life, get yourself to the place where you can say “my life works,” become financially stable.
  • Fourth Center (Heart): Adopt a pet, learn to be universally social, donate time and/or money to charity, practice kind-heartedness, repair things with your family.
  • Fifth Center (Truth Speaking): Learn to speak with authenticity, join groups where genuine speaking is encouraged and supported, e.g. 12-step programs or group therapy, make agreements with your partner about how much truth you want to share in your relationship.

Begin with maximizing the first  five centers. Without the development of these areas, the relationship will not have strong-enough legs to support it. After that you can focus on expanding the higher centers: intuition, true seeing, and spirituality.

Working on your centers takes place both individually and as a couple. If you are single, the more your centers are strengthened, the higher the frequency of a partner you will attract. And when you are in a relationship, use this guide to raise your partnership to the elevation of soulmates.

© 2022 Catherine Auman

This is an excerpt from Catherine Auman’s book, Tantric Mating: Using Tantric Secrets to Create a Relationship Full of Sex, Love and Romance. Tantric Mating is a companion to her previous book Tantric Dating: Bringing Love and Awareness to the Dating Process named by BookAuthority as one of the Best Dating Books of All Time.

Work with Catherine

Books by Catherine Auman

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