Give More than You Get

Give More than You Get

Scent of HappinessBack in the 90s, I studied with Robert Kiyosaki, the multimillionaire author of the Rich Dad series of financial advice books. He was “only” worth four million at the time, years before he became much richer and world famous. Robert taught us that the number one thing he attributed his success to was tithing, the practice of giving away ten percent of your money. Even when his business tanked and he and his wife were starting over with nothing; they tithed, giving away the first ten percent of their income.

Around the same time, I had a problem with keeping a job, and when I realized it, became desperate to heal my pattern. The next time I was hired I worked really hard, harder than ever before by a long shot. I wasn’t making much money but instead of focusing on it, I decided they couldn’t fire me if I produced more for them than they were paying me for. Not only did I keep my job, but that attitude got me promoted twice.

When you set out to give more than you get, whether in money or time, it comes back. Without getting too “woo woo” here, giving comes first, before receiving and not the other way around.

Robert taught us to pay our tithe to organizations that inspire us. There’s a long-standing tradition to tithe to one’s church or religious organization, and if that’s your thing, great. Personally, I’m moved by how Doctors Without Borders provides free medical care around the world with no regard to war or politics. I’m sure you have your favorites among the nonprofits working for the common good. The point is, you give to groups who are doing positive work for people and the planet before you give to yourself.

There’s also an additional psychological benefit in that giving this way busts the old conditioning that money is evil, and that you’ll be a bad person in some way if you have money. It’s impossible to hold those ideas if you’re consistently giving away money and supporting the good. It sets up an attitude of abundance when you see the organizations you are supporting working effectively to bring about change.

I’ve never done tithing perfectly, or fully at the suggested ten percent. But I do notice that the more I give, the more magic happens in my life. Begin today, being generous and attempting to give more than you receive. You’ll find it impossible, but it’s a fun game.

© 2014 Catherine Auman This article is an excerpt from Catherine’s book Shortcuts to Mindfulness: 100 Ways to Personal and Spiritual Growth


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