08 May Sacred Sexuality
The modern western sacred sexuality tradition appears to be developing as a valid spiritual path. The ancient traditions were designed for people who were very different than those today and need to be updated. Monasteries and convents are closing because few people define spirituality that way anymore (Chenagtsang, 2018). The percentage of people who are lucky to be affluent enough to search and pursue meaning, which for many means the arts erotica, has grown. More people today want relationships of equality, and are searching for answers on how to attract and sustain a meaningful, loving, sexually-fulfilling relationship.
Maslow (1969) identified sex as one of the two most common ways people experience altered states of consciousness (the other being music). Today there is a great hunger in the populace for altered states of consciousness and meaning, as evidenced by the recent surge in interest in psychedelics, as well as a sexuality that acknowledges spirituality. These are spiritual searches, even if no one is calling them that. As Chenagtsang, the karmamudra master, notes (2018): “We have to accept that we are not living in ancient times … couples practice will be very important in the future”(p. 73).
© 2024 Catherine Auman
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