Transpersonal Sexuality

Transpersonal Sexuality

Transpersonal sexual experiences are an overlooked phenomena (Woodward et al., 2009). They can happen to people by surprise (Wade, 2015) and to people with no spiritual practice or awareness, as well as to people who consciously cultivate such experiences (Effers, 2009). In their overview of the subject Malkemus & Thouin-Savard (2019) noted a surprising lack of research being done in the transpersonal field due, they theorize, to widespread embarrassment, and the fact that most research on sexuality in psychology is being done on the mechanics of sexual dysfunction.

The connection between sexuality and transpersonal experiences has been known since ancient times (Wade, 2000), in traditions such as Taoism, Tantra, Judaism, and even Christianity. This knowledge has gone underground, and sexuality in contemporary culture is focused on a behaviorist, performative model of sex ever since Masters & Johnson. Embodiment itself has been ignored and suppressed.

Sex can trigger altered states similar to mysticism, indistinguishable from drugs, trance, meditation and the like (Wade, 2015), and is potentially of great benefit, personal healing, empowerment, enhanced relationships, connection with spirit. Effers (2009) states that even ordinary sexuality pushes us toward transformation, and Wade (2000) posits that it is potentially one of the most accessible paths toward transpersonal experiences. Maslow (1969) writes that sex is frequently cited as a peak experience.

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