Exercise #2: Do You Want to Tell the Truth?


Exercise #2: Do You Want to Tell the Truth?

It may seem scary or daunting to move from a conventional relating style of being positive and not talking about things to tantric relating where you are living in and honoring the truth. It’s okay to be where you are in the process – it’s more important is to tell yourself the truth that you’re not ready. First, list the things you’re not eager to share with anyone: stories from your past, health concerns, times you screwed up, or politically-incorrect feelings such as jealousy, insecurity, anger.


There also may be things you don’t want to hear from your partner. There’s an old joke that relates to the differences in the way men and women are socialized: A woman asks her partner to share his feelings, asking him over and over until finally he says, “Okay! I’ll tell you how I’m feeling: I feel impotent at work, scared about the future, and I want to have sex with your best friend.” “Not that!” shrieks the woman. “I don’t want to hear about that!”

What of your partner’s truth would be hard for you to hear?


© 2022 Catherine Auman

This is an excerpt from Catherine Auman’s book, Tantric Relating: Relationship Advice to Find and Keep Sex, Love and Romance. This book is the third title in the Tantric Mastery Series. Check it out!

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