Shalawa Meadow


Shalawa Meadow

A location that was sacred to the Chumash and radiates considerable shakti is the Shalawa Meadow in Santa Barbara. Shalawa (also called Hammond’s Meadow) was an ancient burial site and ceremonial place. This whole coastal region is and has been extremely significant to Native Americans due to its proximity to the spiritual “Western Gate” (see page xxx).

A monument at the Shalawa Meadow has colorful ceramic tiles adorned with animals along with this inscription: “The Sacredness of the land lies in the minds of its people. This land is dedicated to the Spirit and memory of the ancestors and their children.”

We nearly missed the Hammond Trail because it was unmarked. A long, narrow, flower-filled tunnel on the right side of the parking lot turned out to be it. It was enchanted to walk down, as if fairy tale creatures might appear at any moment. After a short walk and a crossover on a bridge we arrived at a beach full of surfers, dogs, and happy families picnicking.  After a bit, on the right amidst McMansions we saw a rough “meadow” full of gopher holes and weeds. The monument is visible from the beach, or we might have missed it.

The meadow is a bit dilapidated; the monument is chipped and broken, but the power of the place is unmistakable. We felt moved to circumambulate the area, stopping frequently to say prayers. Energy radiated out more strongly in some areas than others, but overall, we experienced an enhanced aura of radiance and reverence.

Of course, white developers have fought contentious battles with the Chumash over the Meadow. A movement was begun in 1979 to protect the sacred nature of the site, and the Chumash were joined by surfers and some residents. Today, plans are being made for a possible ceremonial garden and the planting of native plants. I was happy to hear that the planning meetings finally include input from the Chumash.

© 2020 Catherine Auman

This is an excerpt from Catherine Auman’s book Guide to Spiritual L.A.: The Irreverent, the Awake, and the True

Work with Catherine

Books by Catherine Auman

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