Arianna Huffington: Spiritual Adept

Arianna Huffington: Spiritual Adept

arianna-huffington-spiritual-los-angelesWe all know Arianna Huffington as the larger-than-life media personality: president and co-founder of the Huffington Post, best-selling author of 15 books (her The Fourth Instinct: The Call of the Soul states that our drive for spirituality is as great as those for sex, survival, and power), former candidate for Governor of California after years as a politician’s wife, and “the Sir Edmund Hillary (the first Caucasian to top Mount Everest) of social climbers” who has amassed an estimated net worth of $315 million.

Arianna’s PR machine, however, keeps secret the fact that she occupies a seat very near the top of the hierarchy of MSIA. Arianna has always kept a low profile about it, even publicly denying the degree of her involvement. In a fascinating, well-researched Vanity Fair exposė, the author, Maureen Orth, caught her in a number of lies.

These are indisputable facts: in the late 1970s, Arianna was ordained an MSIA minister. She has attained their highest level of secret initiation, “Soul Initiate.” She followed John-Roger all over the world for decades until his death and continues to make large tax-deductible donations to this work she supports.

Ms. Orth writes that Arianna received large “consulting fees” to introduce her high-level friends to John-Roger, and that her marriage to the gay, fabulously wealthy Michael Huffington was part of a master plan to put her on the political map.

Of course, if Arianna Huffington is deeply involved in a spiritual group which gives her sustenance and support, more power to her, and we would wish the same for everyone. As one of my early mentors whispered to me, “The magicians have always worked in secret.”

This is an excerpt from Catherine Auman’s book Guide to Spiritual L.A.: The Irreverent, the Awake, and the True

Work with Catherine

Books by Catherine Auman


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